The Ethical Education Task Force provides training to clergy and lay leadership. New training dates have now been announced.  Also, a draft of the Conference Safe Sanctuary standards and supporting documents are available.


The Ethical Education Task Force works

  • To create an awareness of the ethical standard as provided by THE BOOK of DISCIPLINE of the United Methodist Church and standards as adopted by action of the Rocky Mountain Conference.
  • To respond with care to a situation whereby the standards as set forth in the manual and THE BOOK of DISCIPLINE have been violated
  • To respond with care to the violator of such standards
  • To respond with care to the aggrieved person(s) of such violations
  • To care for any and all involved people and affected institutions
  • To perform such response of care in accordance with and guidance of the bishop and cabinet
  • To assist in the healing process of all involved persons and affected institutions
  • To educate and allow understanding for the transformation of the violator
  • To provide care and sustaining recovery for all aggrieved parties

The Team is committed to prevention of sexual misconduct, intervention when it occurs, and transforming in healing for all persons and ministry settings involved.

Conference Safe Sanctuary Policy and Documentation


  • Title Page and Overview for Rocky Mountain Conference Safe Sanctuary Policy (PDF)
  • Rocky Mountain Conference Safe Sanctuary Policy (PDF)
  • Rocky Mountain Conference Safe Sanctuary Policy - Legal Issues (PDF)
  • Safe Sanctuary Policy Sample Forms (PDF)
  • Safe Sanctuary Policy Supporting Documents (PDF)
  • Model of Local Church Safe Sanctuary Policy including Safe Practices (PDF)
  • Survey of State Child Protection Laws (PDF)


Training Opportunities

A Message from Ethical Education Task Force Chair, Rev Steve Easterday-McPadden

Dear Colleagues in Ministry in the Rocky Mountain Conference,

With the passage of Petition AC12-2009, the requirements for Ethical Education for clergy serving under appointment in the RMC changed from "once every four years" to "once per quadrennium", with quadrennium being defined, essentially, by the 4-year period between General Conferences. (Technically, it's the 4-year period marked out by our Annual Conference sessions following a General Conference.)


The significance of this is that the Ethical Education Task Force no longer has to offer workshops every year. Under the old rule, some group of us were faced with falling out of compliance every year depending upon when we last participated in a workshop. Under the new rule, as long as we get our training in any time within the quadrennium, we are in compliance.


Taking advantage of the new rule, the EETF is going to take the next two Conference years and significantly revise both the Ethics curriculum AND the delivery system, with the goal being more consistent quality among workshops and workshop leaders, less hassle (and expense) with the procurement of materials for the workshops, and less administrative overhead for EETF members and District Administrative Assistants. In our Internet-age, with the emphasis on online training, we remain committed to the value of having face-to-face workshops and will probably not be going to an online, "read and take a quiz" format. The Cabinet and the EETF feel that there is great value in discussing ethics and best practices in ministry where we learn from each other's experiences and not just listen to a presentation on the subject.


As I finish my first quadrennium serving as the EETF Chair, I want to express my deep appreciation to those on the Task Force who contributed to the development of the curriculum we have used for the past 3 years and to those who helped organize the workshops: Candace Gordon, Lynda Pietruszka, Tim Cook, Jim Sauls, and Linda and Don Sperber. Other words of thanks to Nancy Cox, Skip Strickland, Steve Goodier, and Nancy Butterfield for their help and assistance with workshops and EETF meeting support. I also want to recognize the contributions of our beloved Marti Zimmerman, who produced the Financial Ethics section of the curriculum, prior to her sickness and death from ovarian cancer.


But the heroes of the past 3 years are the group of Lay Speakers who led the workshops, often traveling significant distances to do so - unfortunately, there are too many to list here, and if I attempted to do so, I would surely leave someone out. With their help, we had a few hundred participants in approximately 30 EETF workshops, which we simply couldn't have done without their help. Many, many thanks to you all - we have safer and more informed clergy and lay ministry leaders AND congregations as a result of your work.


It has been a pleasure (sometimes!) serving as the EETF Chair, and I look forward to working with a couple of new folks in the quadrennium ahead, Andy Dunning and Linda Cheek, and to the improvements we are envisioning for the curriculum and pedagogy. Remember: The next workshops will not be scheduled until the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 Conference years, so relax and pray for the Task Force as we get to work on the revisions in the fall (of 2012). Thanks!


The peace and blessings of Christ be with each of you,


Steve Easterday-McPadden

EETF Chair

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